Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mexico Earthen Vault

From Nuevo Casas G...

We have started the construction of an adobe vault in Nuevo Casas Grandes CHIH, Mexico. This is based on the plan for a kitchen/garage by AVN found here:

or more floor plans are available here:

Profe Anselmo Jaramillo is scheduled to come down on the 8th of September with some students to do the actual vault work. We are using no concrete. It has been really hard to find the big rocks for the foundation.

Now I know that the secret to this is to be accumulating big rocks in advance. We went a little wild with the footings. The two end walls only need to be 40cm wide, but we made them 70cm. The depth on all the footings is 70cm. These are some BIG-BOYS!!

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